Join us for a Crowdsourcing Community Service Hackathon this weekend

Calling all hackers, designers, and journalists in Boston!

A friend and I are organizing a "Crowdsourcing for Community Service" hackathon at MIT Friday-Sunday January 14-16. It should be a fun time and we would love for you to come out and join us.

All the details, and a signup form, can be found on the website.

We're trying to get a group of creative people together for a weekend to try to solve a community service problem using mobile and crowdsourcing technology.

How often do you think: "If only we could each pitch in a small bit, the world would be a much better place." Well, let's get together, brainstorm a bit (Friday), create a tool or platform that helps us each pitch in that little bit (Sat & Sun), and then use it to better the Cambridge and Boston communities!

We're interested in people of all skills that could contribute to a project like this, whether you're a hardcore web hacker, a graphic designer, a writer, or a community organizer.

Hope to see you there,
