Fill your Sketch Designs with Data from Spreadsheets
Last week Cloudstitch released our Framer Plugin, and this week we’re building on the designer love with the Cloudstitch Sketch Plugin. It lets you duplicate and fill your Sketch designs with real data stored in a spreadsheet shared amongst your team. Our plugin is compatible with both Google Sheets and Excel 365.
Filling your designs with *realistic data *is important because it gives helps you see the design as it will be in the real world, reveals edge cases, and makes for much better demos.
But keeping your data in JSON files is no fun: they’re a pain to edit and can’t be easily shared. Cloudstitch lets you load the data from shared spreadsheets in the cloud instead.
Installation & Use
Our Github Repository has the full instructions to get started. Installation is as simple as double clicking a file, and usage is documented on the GitHub page.
Thank You
Open Source is an amazing thing. We were able to build this plugin very easily thanks to the Sketch Data Populator plugin and it’s immaculately documented code. In fact — our plugin is just a forked, customized, and branded version of theirs. We’re releasing all our improvements under the MIT license as well and you’re welcome to remix them in turn.